Concursos y Juegos

Concursos y Juegos

qr hostess

Different hostesses will be found on different streets of the city, and you will have to locate one of them, either on the street, in the vicinity of the store or near it. The hostesses will have QR codes that you must scan or capture in an image. After that, you can redeem your prize or gift with that code.

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Concursos y Juegos

street basketball

We organize different street basketball games on the most important courts in different parts of the city. Anyone who wants to be included in this mini tournament will participate in this game to stand out from the rest and live an unforgettable experience. The winner will be made with incredible prizes.

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Concursos y Juegos

looking for the fake buyer

Kick the store and manage to guess who the undercover actor is posing as one of the shoppers in the store, who will be acting to pose as one more buyer of the store you are in. Those who manage to find it, identify it correctly, and take a photo, have a guaranteed prize.

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Concursos y Juegos

penaltis championship

All those who boast of not missing a penalty are summoned to prove it and to be able to hesitate with total security of having become a crack of penalties. It is a championship of record penalties in the historic center of the city. The winners will have a guaranteed prize.

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Concursos y Juegos

kissing contest

This is nothing more and nothing less than a kissing contest! The dynamics of the game is easy and simple: we will count the number of kisses that two people give each other in various times, such as one minute, or an entire hour without separating the lips from each other, etc. Numerous tests, to get the best prize if it turns out that you and your...

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Concursos y Juegos

shooting contest

Triples contest to find out who is the best, to stand out from the rest and become the best when it comes to shooting triples. There will be a single winner who can enjoy a free ticket to see his team in all games throughout the season.

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Concursos y Juegos

compliment contest

We set up a stage in the middle of a central street so that all those who are the most daring can venture out and dare to launch original and different compliments to the four winds, as if it were proclaiming love. The one who receives the highest number of votes will get an experience for two people.

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Concursos y Juegos

tv contest

The store entrance hall becomes the set for a successful television contest. The participant must answer a series of questions, trying to accumulate as many correct answers as possible in the correct way. All those contestants who decide to participate and long to be among the top twenty will have a prize.

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Concursos y Juegos

knocking down stick figures

The mechanics of this game are simple, straightforward and for the whole family. It is about, with several balls, knocking down as many clowns as possible, or puppets that are shown in front of you in the machine. Depending on the number of dolls you manage to knock down, you will get, or not, a prize, that's why you need the best!

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Concursos y Juegos

clandestine location

Through the RRSS the participants will have to find out the location of the specific space that we present. This said space will be totally personalized. Once there we will carry out a performance, thanks to which the participants will live a unique experience.

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Concursos y Juegos

escape room

Create an escape room in which all your guests to the event can participate. They will have to solve puzzles to be able to escape from the place where they are. It will be an activity that they will certainly remember for the rest of their days. There will be a game design, story development, common thread, decorative details, staging ...

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Concursos y Juegos

escape room container

Recreation of a Custom Escape Room. There will be a game design, story development, common thread, decorative details, staging, list of technological objects and materials, electronic components, 3D elements, virtual reality, etc.

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Concursos y Juegos

custom table football

We customize a whole table football with your brand, your colors, your logo. Thus, we will be able to challenge different participants to be part of this table football championship that acquires a national impact and that will be held throughout the country. Whoever wins out of all the contestants, as the winner, will get a sure prize.

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Concursos y Juegos

geocaching y gymkhana gps

This is a childhood classic, it's about the treasure hunt. You will have a series of clues scattered around different parts of the city that you will have to discover and solve in order to finally have the complete map and reach the treasure. When you find him, you will get the final prize you deserve for your pirate skills.

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Concursos y Juegos

speak fast

We are looking for someone who can speak as fast as the new fiber moves. We timed the time each contestant takes to say the same word in a total of 100. The winner gets 1 year of free fiber.

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Concursos y Juegos

digital game

We create a simple landing page designed so that they register and participate in real time during the moment of recruitment. We propose an interactive game or puzzle that they will have to solve to obtain on their mobile the code that they can show in the store to receive the discount, prize ...

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Concursos y Juegos


We place a fully equipped karaoke machine at the entrance of the store, where a hostess will be present to invite you to sing the song that is currently playing. You can share this incredible welcome to the store on social networks and so you can choose to win incredible prizes / discounts.

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Concursos y Juegos

punching street

Events aimed at influencers and open to the general public as well. The people who participate tell a bad experience they have had, a breakup, a fight with friends, family ... and they punch themselves to free yourself from that accumulated tension. The video of each participant will be uploaded to social networks, and the one with more likes win a prize

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Concursos y Juegos

proud of my city

I am "SuperToledano", or whatever your name is. We want to create a feeling of pride through a teaser and a hashtag. Participants must say why they are proud of their city with their hearts in hand and show off with that patriotic feeling of the city.

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Concursos y Juegos


We recreated a huge playground with slides, jumping platforms, mats ... all surrounded by a huge pool with balls where you can swim, dive and dive. The little ones will be able to enjoy the historic center of their city having a great time and living a unique experience.

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Concursos y Juegos

ball pool

We set up a giant pool full of plastic balls for you to enjoy as a small child, as you have not enjoyed in years. Inside it we will hide different and varied prizes that participants must find in less than a minute, the time they can dive between balls to find their reward.

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Concursos y Juegos

radio control

It is about carrying out different races under radio control in a totally designed, personalized and adapted circuit for different spaces. This circuit will be as if it were a real one, since it includes advertising from different brands and the emotion you will experience will be immense, as if you were driving inside the car.

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Concursos y Juegos

wheel of Fortune

Participate in this incredible roulette of fortune in which you can opt for different prizes with a great variety among them. It is also available in a digital format. Passers-by who want to participate in this unique game must turn the wheel and wait to see what luck is in store for them.

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Concursos y Juegos


We put together an incredible and huge fully customized SCX circuit so that you can go back to your childhood afternoons where racing between cars was the most exciting. With this SCX circuit you will enjoy speed and competition. The circuit is available in different sizes.

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Concursos y Juegos

escape room trailer

Our Escape Room Trailer will visit the main squares of each city, different points where it will be installed. Thus, the attendees who want will have to try to solve different tests and enigmas in order to escape from this great circuit that you will remember for a long time after living this intense experience.

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Concursos y Juegos

your better half qr

A party in which the hostess places a QR code on each attendee, for example on their back with some stickers. Participants must go capturing codes until they find the one that is the same as theirs, their better half, and then they get a prize immediately.

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Concursos y Juegos


We put a great SCX circuit in which the cars will only be able to run thanks to the propulsion that is made with energy that is created by pedaling the bicycles. They will be in charge of moving the cars to play, so the participants will have to pedal as hard and fast as they can.

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